- Packaging
- 1225692 – Tracker for Fedora Robotics SIG
- 2270953 – python-colcon-core fails to build with Python 3.13: SystemExit: 2 pytest: error: unrecognized arguments: --bar --baz
- 2317847 – RPM-specific flags embedded in sipconfig
- packages/requests being sent/enabled to epel10
- about 25 packages left for ros2 build to work
- RHEL10 support not planned but going to happen mid term
- orocos-kdl: stale but ros2 needs it
- Autoware (Open AD-Kit) / ROS2 / OSTree (CoreOS/Silverblue)
- Looking at using AutoSD osvbuild files as the base image for robotics
- O3DE
- Packaing needs some attention
- To be maintained by this group
- fedros
- fedora / Special Interest Groups (SIGs) / Fedora Robotics SIG / src / fedros · GitLab
- cli to help map ros packages and its dependencies
- it can help in our ros packaing efforts
- ament generates the setup files (check ament packages)
- packages to look at: ament-package, ament-cmake-core, ros-workspace
- off-board/fleet management issue
- possible off-board (partial) solution: GitHub - flightctl/flightctl
- ROS 2 - Programming Multiple Robots with ROS 2
Action items
- TODO: open robotics issue/epic about O3DE packaging
- TODO: open a flightctl/open-rmf/off-board ROS2 issue