after a year testing and talking to 1password developers to get flatpak app work with SSH, Terminal and can edit automatically confi files it has been implemented now on latest version as enabling Developer tab and there you can activate these and it works for now huge steps forward already.
what is missing for now containers and talk to browser extenssion/vscode extenssion if they made SSH, cli and others work on flatpak the talk shouldent be so hard anymore
That’s actually exciting to see - I always find it a bit tricky to remember how to add the 1Password Agent if I am reinstalling or doing something on a new machine.
Yeah was surprised when I saw this after installing flatpak desktop app and it works for now already if using VScode with flatpak override to host terminal. Someday the containers are added and the native message with talk and we are golden
Current limitations are on my atomic setup 1password cli features since all SSH and secrets are managed by 1password with authentication so I need it to have those access we are close there now
There is workaround for containers with 1password-cli when app is not talking creating the environment token and sign in with that token so you get the signed Access on secrets